Crochet these blankets will surely open the door to a new world of gorgeous crochet accessories for you. Even if you're a novice in crocheting, you can still make some stunning crochet ripple blankets in your favorite colors and designs following these simple tips. When it comes to ripple blankets, the possibilities of customization are endless no matter what type of yarn and color combination you're looking for, every kind of blanket can be done by following this stunning technique. Still, we try our best to present you with the most efficient and explanatory patterns, which you can follow to finish in some admirable crochet accessories. These superb ripple blankets came from a variety of different sites. If you also want to add some of them to your home décor, personal use gift hampers, and anywhere then our list of fabulous ideas will surely benefit you. In this era, the most trending and favorite type of blankets are the crochet ripple blanket patterns. If you're a seasoned crocheter, you'll surely know that any crochet collection can't get completed without some impressively fashionable and sophisticated blankets in it. The collection of free and exclusive crochet ripple blanket patterns is waiting here for you.